Deep Web: Venture deep and risk death.

Should your hands sweat on a single mis-click of a mouse? Mindlessly clicking might not accidentally get you to the Deep Web, but it would surely boggle your mind at how dangerous it could be to venture in a part of the Internet that is better-off left in the dark.


The Deep Web is a portion of the World Wide Web that is not accessible by standard search engines (e.g., Bing, Google, etc…). Accessing that part of the Internet is a venture for the curious mind, and for those with mal-intent. Something stupid that we just have to look-into for ourselves.

From the safety of the surface web, we’ll scour the depths for tales left by men whose eyes have laid on the most vile of things.

A tale of caution, the content on this page is NOT Safe for Work. For starters, here’s a cryptic video taken out of the deep :

Reuploaded into the surface web for our convenience from the address, m4ftndwsgqaugnsh.onion —  accessible on a proxy browser, the video is cryptically edited into a mangled mess of body parts, seemingly random images, and a random reference to the Illuminati. A question comes to mind. What exactly is the message behind all this? Putting into context, this video is found in a part of the Internet that is long forgotten; a floating file left un-indexed by Google. Creepy.

Not bad, is it? Well, we barely scratched the surface. Exactly, what kind of privacy are these people keeping behind multiple walls of proxy? Typing on a keyboard, behind a network of virtual tunnels, they do ‘business’ in what seems to be ‘unfit’ for the norms of society.

The next one I will be showing you is like any other community. Living out their lives with the company of people sharing their interest, these people unveil to us a grim reality of that, which borders insanity.

Below are personal accounts that are graphic in nature —  content that may or may not be true yet a fact remains, they are taken from the Deep Web, and from an on-line community that is hidden from the general public. Could it be a ruse meant to entertain us? We don’t know. But it will make you question the sanity of some people.


“What have I just read?” — You ask. Not surprising when a slight shift in your reality happened without you even knowing. These accounts were taken from a support group for people sharing interest from the thrill of infecting someone with a life-long illness.


If you can stomach your way through this, then more ‘tasteless’ revelations await you. It should now make sense to you why people on here, have to hide behind a proxy. This place is a cesspit for illegal activities.

Here, we gain access to services that are seemingly harmless internet pranks, to a whole subculture of paedophiles — whose inner workings are frequented by mainstream media.

One of the services we will look into is ‘swatting.’

Swatting is the act of tricking an emergency service (via such means as hoaxing a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response based on the false report of an ongoing critical incident.
In the advent of VoIP (Voice Over IP) service, spoofing an unsuspecting victim’s caller id into getting a false emergency has become a trend. Here’s a somewhat ‘innocent’ looking ad, offering services to trick emergency units into wasting time on a false-alarm, when they could be elsewhere helping on real emergencies.


What does it look like? The video below is a compilation of ‘streamers’ getting swatted. Caught unexpected while streaming a video of themselves playing video-games, these events consume valuable time and resources that can be better-off allocated elsewhere. For what purpose? Entertainment.

If you found that slightly hilarious, the things that we’ve left untouched are much worse. I am talking about drug trafficking, guns-for-hire, falsification of documents, and even child trafficking/pornography.

For those wanting to live the American dream, would you risk your life’s savings on a chance for that green card?


So if you think that you are slightly piqued about visiting that corner of the web, think. The government might place you on their ‘list’ and you’d encounter more than an inconvenience in getting past the airport.

I will leave you with a thought. In the darkest part of the Deep Web, lies a place that even the veterans of explorers dare not delve into. An insular community that sends invites selectively. A gathering of the sick of mind — they feast their eyes on the tragedy of human life. A room of misery, where memories of life and expressionless faces fade into a red-lit wall.

They call this, the red room and only a few documents of it have surfaced up until this day.

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